Elementary Music News:
Message to 4th Grade Families:
Fourth grade is when Bethel Park students begin to play a String or Band instrument in school, and our award-winning music programs continue in this new school year! Please go to tinyurl.com/bpvideo20 to see our Instrument Demonstration Video, read our letter (given out this past Friday on paper) and to give us your response on our Google form. |
Elementary General Music
In Bethel Park School District, music instruction for all first, second, third, and fourth grade students is provided every week, in two 30-minute classes in a dedicated music room. At the conclusion of the 4th grade year, students will be able to move expressively, perform, read, and write simple rhythms and pitches, recognize elements of harmony, form, and expression, using music from different time periods, cultures, and styles. In addition, students in third, and fourth grade take a half-day field trip each year where they experience music as performers, audience members, or both. Elementary Band and Strings In the Bethel Park School District, all participating fourth grade Band and String students receive a 30-minute small group lesson and a 40-minute ensemble class of reasonable size per 5-day week. At the conclusion of the 4th grade year, students will be able to perform individually and in small/large groups with good posture, hand/instrument position, tone quality, and intonation. Teacher Websites and Fun Music Links: Mrs. Johnshon - https://sites.google.com/a/bphawks.org/vocalmusic/ Mr. Booz - https://sites.google.com/a/bphawks.org/lincolnmusic/ http://www.classicsforkids.com/ Classical music listening maps, composer info, more! sfskids.org San Francisco Symphony page http://www.sfskids.org/classic/templates/home.asp?pageid=1 Games from the San Francisco Symphony http://www.musictechteacher.com/music_quizzes/music_quizzes.htm http://bobbymcferrin.com/sing-and-play-with-bobby/ Play with musical texture! |