The years of 7th and 8th grade is a critical time when speaking of the student's musical development. The music they perform becomes an integral part of their personal music repertoire and passion for music. Composing and improvising provide students with unique insight into the form and structure of music and at the same time help them to develop their creativity. At the middle school level we continue to reinforce to the students the importance of music in their daily life and the connections /relationships between music and other disciplines. By the students understanding the cultural and historical backgrounds related to music they will be better prepared to live and work in communities that are increasingly multicultural.
Handbell Choir
Meets once a week after school until 4 PM
Sponsor: Mr. McDowell
The IMS Handbell Choir meets weekly after school until 4 PM. Because a majority of its members participate in other after school activities, rehearsal times are adjusted as need to give all students the opportunity to explore multiple extracurricular options.
Handbell Choir provides an opportunity for students to experience a small, unique music ensemble. The Choir is comprised of 10-15 students who each have an assigned part. Some of these parts work together to create one melodic line, while other parts provide a harmonic accompaniment.
Because the success of a piece depends on how well all of the individual parts merge together, this type of performing forces the students to rely a great deal on others and also to take personal responsibility for their own roles.
In addition to learning various playing techniques and reinforcing the concepts of rhythm and dynamics, students learn teamwork and build working relationships through making beautiful music.
Stage Band
Sponsor: Mr. Petrossi
The Stage Band meets weekly. It is open to students who would like to play various musical styles, including rock, jazz and Latin. This ensemble has the instrumentation of the sax family, trumpets, trombones, piano, guitar, bass and drums. The Stage Band will perform at various assemblies and special community events throughout the year.
IMS Music Staff
Mr. Michael Petrossi
7th/8th Grade Band Director
Stage Band Director
Music Department Facilitator
412-854-8602 412-854-8677
[email protected]
Mrs. Tricia Quinque
7th/8th Grade Choral Director
IMS Singers
Mrs. Stephanie Glover
7th/8th Grade Orchestra Director
Mr. Jay McDowell
8th Grade General Music
Handbell Director
Mr. Zachary Cable
7th Grade General Music Teacher
Handbell Choir
Meets once a week after school until 4 PM
Sponsor: Mr. McDowell
The IMS Handbell Choir meets weekly after school until 4 PM. Because a majority of its members participate in other after school activities, rehearsal times are adjusted as need to give all students the opportunity to explore multiple extracurricular options.
Handbell Choir provides an opportunity for students to experience a small, unique music ensemble. The Choir is comprised of 10-15 students who each have an assigned part. Some of these parts work together to create one melodic line, while other parts provide a harmonic accompaniment.
Because the success of a piece depends on how well all of the individual parts merge together, this type of performing forces the students to rely a great deal on others and also to take personal responsibility for their own roles.
In addition to learning various playing techniques and reinforcing the concepts of rhythm and dynamics, students learn teamwork and build working relationships through making beautiful music.
Stage Band
Sponsor: Mr. Petrossi
The Stage Band meets weekly. It is open to students who would like to play various musical styles, including rock, jazz and Latin. This ensemble has the instrumentation of the sax family, trumpets, trombones, piano, guitar, bass and drums. The Stage Band will perform at various assemblies and special community events throughout the year.
IMS Music Staff
Mr. Michael Petrossi
7th/8th Grade Band Director
Stage Band Director
Music Department Facilitator
412-854-8602 412-854-8677
[email protected]
Mrs. Tricia Quinque
7th/8th Grade Choral Director
IMS Singers
Mrs. Stephanie Glover
7th/8th Grade Orchestra Director
Mr. Jay McDowell
8th Grade General Music
Handbell Director
Mr. Zachary Cable
7th Grade General Music Teacher